We Are Diamonds

The tattoo artist Karlla Mendes developed a social project called “We Are Diamonds”, which offers free tattoos for women with scars on their body and mind.  

Diamond is a word of Greek origin, derived from the term adamas, meaning indestructible and this is how Karlla chose the name of her project. 

The project “We are Diamonds” was created in 2016 in Brazil and became international in 2019, with the aim of improving the self-esteem of women who have experienced difficult times, which caused scars, whether external or internal.

People who suffered from domestic violence, depression, cancer, surgeries,accidents, general disorders, among many others and were left with eternal marks. 

The project consists on giving away tattoos to these people, helping them turn their scars into real jewels. The scar does not necessarily have to be physical, it also be a psychological wound.

“Violence, disorders, etc.. do not just leave scars on our bodies, but on our souls and mind as well, and I did not want to leave them out of my project” she says.

Every day she receives messages from women with stories of overcoming, who would like to get an exclusive art that represents their restart.

As a way to thank all the affection she receives, she created this project and will periodically invite some of these people to present them with her art. 

The project will be first launched in Australia for the period of seven months, then taken to Brazil, USA, Thailand, and my others.

It will work as follows:

People interested in being a part of this project will have to write an email telling their stories, Karlla will then read one by one and decide who is going to be participating according to who’s more suitable and touched more her heart.

“Polishing your soul and immortalizing your dreams.”
Karlla Mendes

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